Timo Körber Web-Engineering

Chief Technology Officer, Laravel Developer
Technical Consultant & Clean-Coding Trainer

Timo Körber - Chief Technology Officer, Laravel Developer, Speaker, Technical Consultant & Clean-Coding Trainer

CTO · Ex-Freelancer · Laravel Developer · Clean Coder · Technical Consultant · Clean-Coding Trainer · Speaker · Author

Known from

Experience from over 20 years of PHP & Web Development

Timo Körber Web Engineering

Timo Körber has a 20-year career in web development, during which he has been involved in numerous software projects for a wide range of companies and clients as a full-stack developer, senior PHP developer, software architect, technical consultant and CTO.

In addition to a remarkable technical understanding and solution-oriented thinking, he has a strong sense of carefulness and is always focused on optimizing processes and delivering efficient results.

He is an expert in PHP, software architecture, and clean coding, as well as a point of contact for web security, APIs, user experience design, product optimization, and quality assurance.

As a developer & consultant for efficient software development, he supports your company in the planning, conceptualization, implementation, and optimization of your next web application.


PHP / Laravel Development

Designing of optimized software architectures and development of backend applications with frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony, or Zend Framework

Frontend Development

Creation of frontend templates and optimization of user experience

Technical Consulting

Technical analysis & evaluation of IT architectures, creation of technical concepts & software strategies, planning & conception of products

Software Architecture

Design & implementation of efficient and clean software architectures & design patterns

Team Leadership

Project management using agile processes (SCRUM, Kanban), guidance of developer teams

Web Security

Evaluation of IT security, security by design, penetration tests, security optimization

Quality Assurance

Code reviews, source code optimization, creation of software tests, continuous integration

Clean Coding

Improving the cleanliness of source code for efficient and sustainable project development

Skills & Tools

Clean Coding Bootcamp by Timo Körber
Clean Coding Bootcamp The workshop for efficient and sustainable web development to the workshop

Book me as...

Clean Coding Trainer

Clean Coding Trainer

From junior to senior developer in just a few days! In seminars and workshops, I convey my 18 years of web development experience to your developers and train them to become web experts. My focus is always on clean coding and building a clean codebase.

  • Application development with Laravel
  • PHP best practice workshops
  • Clean Coding Bootcamp - The workshop for efficient and sustainable web development



For your next developer conferences or meetups, I will prepare a talk or keynote on efficient PHP-Development, robust Software architectures and modern Tools and Web-Frameworks.

  • Sustainable programming with clean coding
  • Efficient work as a software developer
  • 10 mistakes when building a tech startup
  • Introduction to Filament - The Laravel Admin Panel
  • Clean Coding - 10+ Techniques to clean your PHP Code


Clients & Customers

The largest independent marketplace for leasing offers
Property management reimagined.
Munich General Insurances Services GmbH
Software know-how - Unlimited. Pioneering. Compact at your side.
Software & Support Media
The Software Know-How Company
PHP Magazin
PHP, JavaScript, Databases, Open Web Technologies
Simplifying buying. Smooth payments.
Banking API & Data Analysis
Digital school or daycare – simple & secure
The tech company with a banking license
The configurator specialists
Marketplace for commercial and public IT projects
Strategy and technology web agency in Gießen n
Deutsche Medienagentur
Local advertising agency
Argonauten G2
Argonauten G2
Digital agency in Berlin
Schweitzer Gruppe
Modern solutions for damage assessment
Kellerkinder GmbH
Sophisticated software solutions based on Shopware
The PackAngels are your angels for fulfillment and logistics
WeAreGroup GmbH
Custom software solutions | Digitalization agency
ObjectCode GmbH
The configurator specialists
Advertising agency for marketing & design

Certificates / Qualifications

Krawiez Consulting


Trainer Certification
November 2020

Trainer Certification

NESO Security Labs


Secure web applications -
Current attack techniques and countermeasures

February 2012

Current attack techniques and countermeasures
on the operating system, network, and service level

March 2013

Secure web applications -
Current attack techniques and countermeasures

June 2014

NESO Security Labs

Zend Certified PHP Engineer


Zend Certified PHP Engineer
Juni 2015

"The Zend Certified PHP Engineer certification is an industry-standard that is often used as proof of a PHP developer’s competence."

Clean Coding Sessions - YouTube Channel Timo Körber Web Engineering

Clean Coding Sessions with Timo Körber

The YouTube channel for clean programming

learn more

Articles, Talks & Interviews

IPC Munich 2024 - Filament The Laravel Admin Panel

International PHP Conference 2024 Munich

October 2024, IPC 2024, Munich Talk
Introduction to Filament - The Laravel Admin Panel

The PHP framework Filament not only offers a modern user interface and an extensive range of features and components, but also enables perfect, seamless integration into any Laravel project. In this talk, I provided a compact introduction to the framework, explained the fundamental components, and showed how you can build a robust and comprehensive admin panel within just half an hour.

to the talk
Filament - An Overview of the Laravel Admin Panel

Cover Story & Article in PHP Magazine

Article March 2024, PHP Magazine 3.2024 
Filament - An Overview of the Laravel Admin Panel

In my first article for PHP Magazine, I introduce Filament - the admin panel for Laravel. Filament provides a wide range of components to develop a comprehensive dashboard in no time and offers the same elegant developer experience that Laravel is known for.

to the article
International PHP Conference 2023 Munich

International PHP Conference 2023 Munich

October 2023, IPC 2023, Munich Talk
Clean Coding - 10+ Techniques To Clean Your PHP Code

In my talk, I presented a handful of simple techniques to build PHP code that is cleaner, more sustainable, and more efficient.

to the talk
International PHP Conference 2023 Berlin

International PHP Conference 2023 Berlin

Talk May 2023, IPC 2023, Berlin 
Clean Coding - 10+ Techniques To Clean Your PHP Code

In my talk, I presented a handful of simple techniques to build PHP code that is cleaner, more sustainable, and more efficient.

to the talk
Awesome! Meetup

Awesome! Meetup

January 2023, Awesome! Software, Montabaur Talk
Technical Debt - A Clean Coding Story

The team at Awesome! Software in Montabaur started a new meetup series and invited me and Lukas Rosenstock to open it together. Lukas talked about the "API-Design-First" approach in API development, and I once again covered the topic of "Technical Debt" in software development.

to the meetup
Web Monday Kassel

Web Monday Kassel

Talk September 2022, Kassel 
Technical Debt - A Clean Coding Story

Technical debt is a problem I have encountered in many of my past projects. Not only does it hinder project progress, but it also causes frustration among developers. In my talk, I discuss the different forms of technical debt and how to prevent them.

to the meetup
Shotcast - Ask a Freelancer

Podcast - Shotcast #22 - Ask a Freelancer

September 2020 Podcast
Interview - Social Media & Branding as a Freelancer

In their "Shotcast" podcast, photographers and videographers Daniel Körber and Christian Hain discuss topics such as videography, photography, social media, and internet trends. As their interview guest, I had the opportunity to share my experiences with social media and personal branding as a freelance software developer.

to the podcast episode
expertlead Webinar "Personal Branding"

expertlead Webinar "Personal Branding"

Webinar July 2020, Online Webinar 
How to build your Personal Brand as a Freelancer

Expertlead is a community of highly qualified tech freelancers. I was invited as a guest lecturer for a webinar on "How to build your Personal Brand as a Freelancer," where I shared my experience in personal branding and social media with other freelancers in the community.

Blog Article for Regional Management Mittelhessen

Blog Article for Regional Management Mittelhessen

July 2020, blog.mittelhessen.eu Article
Software Development is Expensive - and That’s a Good Thing!

As a guest author for the blog of Regional Management Mittelhessen, I wrote an article about my experiences as a software developer in the startup scene and the challenges of building a tech startup.

to the article
Web Monday Hannover #45

Web Monday Hannover #45

Talk July 2020, Online Event 
Clean Coding - How to Save Time and Money While Programming

To speed up a project and save costs, clean code is often neglected. However, this is not just suboptimal but actually has the opposite effect. In my talk at the 45th Web Monday Hannover, I explained why clean code does not slow down a project but actually pushes it forward.

Web Monday Frankfurt #103 #Classic

Web Monday Frankfurt #103 #Classic

Brotfabrik Frankfurt, March 2020 Talk
Clean Coding - How Clean Code Saves Your Project

"We don't have time for that!" - In the hectic daily routine of a software project, not only developers suffer, but also code quality. Poorly written, messy code is often accepted to ensure rapid project progress. In my talk, I explain why clean code does not slow down a project but actually drives it forward.

to Web Monday
The Freelancer Podcast

The Freelancer Podcast

Podcast February 2020 
Interview - Freelancing as a Software Developer

Having been a loyal listener of the podcast for a long time, it was a great pleasure for me to sit behind the microphone myself and talk with Yannik from the Freelancer Podcast about my work, my journey, and freelancing. For almost an hour, we discussed topics such as client acquisition, hourly rate calculation, efficient work practices, and the ups and downs of being a freelancer.

to the podcast episode
DevConfessions Volume 1

MeetUp - DevConfessions Volume 1

Shopgate GmbH, Butzbach, February 2020 Talk
Clean Coding - 5+ Wrong Reasons to Write Bad Code

At the first "DevConfessions" meetup by Shopgate GmbH, I was invited as the only external speaker to analyze and challenge a total of seven false beliefs about clean coding in my talk.

to the talk
Agile Conference 2019

Agile Conference 2019

Talk Frankfurt am Main, November 2019 
Clean Code - Must-Have or Nice-to-Have?

In a 45-minute talk, I discussed how crucial clean code is for efficient development, a productive team, and a successful project.

MAKE Rhein-Main ://webweek 19 LiveTV

MAKE Rhein-Main ://webweek 19 LiveTV

Frankfurt am Main, November 2019 Interview
Interview about the Agile Conference 2019 Talk

As a kickoff for the Agile Conference 2019, I was interviewed by the event organizer about my talk on "Clean Code."

to the video
Web Monday Gießen - 15+ WTF Moments in JavaScript

Web Monday Gießen

Talk Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM), Gießen, May 2019 
15+ WTF Moments in JavaScript

In my talk "15+ WTF Moments in JavaScript," I discuss the growing pains and issues that JavaScript suffers from and why the popular programming language is one of the most hated languages on the planet.

to the video
10xCoding - More Efficient Programming

MeetUp - Bits, Bytes & Beer

FinTecSystems, Linden, April 2018 Talk
10xCoding - More Efficient Programming

In my talk "10x Coding - More Efficient Programming," I cover techniques, routines, hacks, and skills that will make you a better programmer.

to the video
Payment Product Presentation

The Konferense - Klarna Developer Conference

Lightning Talk Klarna, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2015 
Payment Product Presentation

At the annual conference of the Swedish payment provider "Klarna," I delivered a lightning talk presenting a product to an audience of over 300 people.

to the website
#webdeveloper #consulting #techlead #web #engineer #technicalconsulting #cleancode #softwarearchitekt #php #training #phpdeveloper #cto #cleancodingbootcamp #projektmanager #senior #teamlead #fullstack #workshop #developer #cleancoding #engineering #youtube #speaker #laravel #trainer #consultant #security #10xcoding

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